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Saturday, May 2, 2009

Track the Details of AdSense Activity on Your Pages in Real-Time
asRep is a tool for tracking the details of Google AdSense activity on your web pages in real-time. It tracks the impressions of the pages and the ad units, the clicks to the ad units, and the searches performed through the search boxes. asRep also reports related information about your websites, the referring websites, the visitors, and the AdSense elements on your pages.

Why use asRep?
Increase your income: asRep is a great helper application that provides lots of information connected to the AdSense activity on your pages that Google does not provide. Backed with such detailed extra information, you can take the necessary actions to increase your revenue from AdSense.

Real-time reports: Unlike the near-real-time reporting of Google which could lag several hours, asRep reports are in real-real-time. You can see the events as they are happening.

Detailed reports: asRep shows the details of every individual impressions, clicks and searches recorded. You can report the stats for any time interval you like.

Reports that Google does not offer: asRep provides the breakdown of the stats for :
The domains, directories, and pages of your web sites
The referrer domains, pages, and search terms
The visitor IPs and countries
The AdSense ad unit colors and formats
The search terms submitted through AdSense search boxes

Compare asRep and AdSense reports Easy Installation & Wide Platform Support
asRep is available as PHP and Perl scripts that you install onto your web server. Installation is very easy and should not last more than five minutes with the help of the web based administration program. it can be installed on any web server that provides PHP (or Perl) and a mySQL database.
Start Tracking in Minutes
To start tracking, you generate a tracking code from the script and place it onto your pages. That is so simple. Just after placing the tracking code, the information will flow into your database. You will be amazed by the amount of information asRep provides about your web sites, the referrers, the visitors and AdSense activity.
AdSense TOS Compliance
asRep conforms to Google AdSense TOS completely. asRep tracking code works in passive mode by just monitoring the visitor activity. Absolutely no AdSense code change, no AdSense interference! Google agreed that such a tracking does not violate the AdSense TOS.
The Best AdSense Tracking Script
asRep is the first AdSense tracker since we invented and developed this technology. It is being improved continuously.

Download asRep now!

Your work is impressive. U. Strengert, more comments...

Increase Your Revenue from AdSense
In order to increase your payouts from AdSense, you have to increase your total number of clicks and/or target higher paying ads.

asRep provides you with some valuable information, that Google does not, to help you discover the different aspects of the AdSense activity happening on your sites.

Once you know how different parts of your web sites perform, you can easily take necessary steps to increase the number of clicks. asRep tells you what works and what not.

Discover the domains (pages) getting low clicks, and improve the content or design of those domains (pages) to increase the clicks.
Learn the AdSense advertising web sites, that your visitors click most, and optimize your page content to pull those type of ads from AdSense.
Experiment with the AdSense options such as ad formats or color options, and find out which combination brings you more clicks.
Find out which web sites send you visitors that click to AdSense more, and try to find ways to increase the number of visitors from those web sites.
Discover which search terms, that visitors used to find your site on search engines, bring you most clicks, so that you can optimize your site content for those keywords or start a PPC campaign on those keywords. ...
Key Features of asRep
From one installation, track all of your domains.
Support tracking of 3 (three) regular ad units, 1 (one) AdLink unit, and 2 (two) search boxes per page.
Dedicated click tracking algorithms for MSIE, Mozilla & Firefox (Gecko DOM), and a generic algorithm for other browsers.
Detection of whether an ad unit is displaying an alternate ad or AdSense ads.
Capturing the channels of the ad units and search boxes.
Capturing the formats and colors of the ad units.
Log reports for displaying every detail of an impression, click or search.
Summary reports for a summary of the stats for the day, week, month, year or all time.
Top reports to find out which items are doing better.
Count reports for in depth analysis of the stats for different combinations and time ranges.
Meta-reports to save and re-generate an updated version of a report.
CSV download of the generated reports to import them into other applications
Email reports to receive the updated versions of your favorite reports regularly into your mailbox.
Moving average display of the stats to find the trends.
List all features of asRep

Download the free trial version of asRep AdSense tracker now!

Test drive the full version of asRep AdSense tracking script on our server

Register the full version of asRep AdSense click tracker

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